Daniel Vicandi

CEO ORGANIZATION AND EVENTS Former professional dancer. He has worked with companies that perform shows worldwide, including Los Vivancos and 4ALL.

Juanjo Carazo

CEO HR AND RECRUITMENT Professional dancer. He has been a dancer with the Compañía Nacional de Danza since 2015. Prior, he danced with ABT and the Orlando Ballet.

Aitor Arrieta

CEO MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE Professional dancer. First Soloist with the English National Ballet. In previous years, he has worked in the Compañía Nacional de Danza.

Jorge Elbal

Technician and Scenography

Luis Malibrán

Image and Photography

Juvenal García

Marketing and Design

J. A. Simarro


Álvaro Castillo

Web Design and Messaging Channel
Aleix Mañé Coreógrafo Nexus Company

Aleix Mañé

Cristo Vivancos Coreógrafo Nexus Company

Cristo Vivancos

Elisabet Biosca Coreógrafa Nexus Company

Elisabet Biosca

Carlos Romero Nexus Company

Carlos Romero


Tania Martín


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